Tara and Jed- trash the dress on the farm

Tracy and Sam were just married in February and she had the fabulous idea of doing some trash the dress sessions with her husband her friend tara too! if you didn't see the two girls being absolutely gorgeous, click here to see the sneak peek!
It's always so much fun photographing a couple for the first time. Learning how the interact and how they show love, and i have to say.. sam did SO good. yup he was a complete ham for the camera. He completely adores you :) but who wouldn't!? gorgeous girl!
So here's a few of the two of them! and by the way.. your feet look so cute! love the bare feets! yup. feets.
haha and please note bernard. (the cat right below the couple) not to take away from Tracy and Sam BUT this poor kitty had to drag his sweet little feet, and he just loved attention, so we named him Bernard, and honestly he just made himself at home, went in front of the camera and looked up. we had no intention of including him. he loved the camera too
i absolutely love their smiles here. luckily i brought a long a good friend who knew the couple too, so whether they were laughing at him or me, i didn't care! i had so much fun photographing you both!
First sneak peek from my June trip to Minnesota!
Getting back from a long vacation/work time in Minnesota, and it was absolutely wonderful (aside from a few hiccups which i'll be sharing) so now that i'm back here comes all the blog posts again!
This post can actually be split into three, so i'm just going to make you all wait! Tara and Tracy wanted some trash the dress with each other, plus some portraits with their men! so here's just a few of the two of them!
it was raining all day, so we quickly changed our plans, and honestly, it worked out better than our original plan! i was so excited to be able to shoot with these amazing cars! and these girls. gorgeous.
as always click on the image to see them even better! and don't forget to comment below.
Thank you tracy and tara for letting me photograph you two. there are so many great ones, and i can't wait to show you more.
Note the huge green eyes!
Another GORGEOUS girl to photograph. This was the same day as the last post, "It's Rough being beautiful." what an incredible day it was! Becca is featured here doing a mini trash the dress session, with her husband Emil. By the way, this beauty is pregnant with her second child and you should go check out their maternity shots, by Alyssa! to see those shots click here. What was so fun is there were so many photographers, and they all helped each other out to get great shots! you'll get to see of those behind the scenes below. you'll recognize a few people too.
Always check out a few other trash the dress sessions, one of my favorites here! If you're interested in some fun trash the dress portraits, i have some great ideas for the summer!
just two photos to show behind the scenes! Emil and Mike holding these shoot through umbrellas and then another to show the whole set up we had going on! what a fun group.
Lucky me that i got to photograph this hot girl! she's also done some modeling, which you can totally tell by the way she poses.
If you're wanting a few photographs this weekend, maybe while in town for WPPI let me know!
Minnehaha Falls- GORGEOUS shoot!
If you stalked me enough you would notice Haeli has commented on some other blog posts, and i must say she is a friend that keeps me constantly encouraged with photography, and I so appreciate her! she's absolutely amazing. Haeli and Jon got married almost two years ago now, and i had the honor of photographing their wedding. There's so much i want to say; first of all i met these two in college, and got to see some of the beginnings of their relationship. i believe the first cuddling time too watching batman at Andy's? i don't remember i fell asleep eating doritos, but that's not important. What's important is how these two are truly crazy about eachother and what's more, the center of their relationship is God. A couple who work daily on their relationship with eachother, and are growing strong together.
Let me share a little about their wedding too! it was an amazing trip to Wisconsin, spending time with college friends, seeing Haeli and Jon's first home, and eating ice cream. so now, to THIS shoot. it was a time where everyone came together again. it wasn't just us three, it was Shelly, Mark, and Rachelle. Get to know these names people. they will be mentioned again. we also have a tradition. ever since the engagement photos, shelly (and now others) have creeped in their photos. so we didn't want to break traditions now! so much fun and excitement with these photos. Plus it means extra help with equipment.
we wanted to go somewhere fun and still not get the dress absolutely "trashed." so remember that brides and future brides, you don't have to ruin your dress for after wedding shoots either! Headed over to Minnehaha falls, for some gorgeous photos! She's always a perfect models, and even with goofballs all around her, she keeps a straight model face! so proud of her.
check out this model of the chick! what i love most about these shots of Haeli, Shelly and Mark were creepily in the back.. thanks photoshop :) but if you want to see some of those.. let me know i'll post one!
There were so many good ones from the shoot, but if YOU want to see more, and especially the photo bombing ones, let me know! what a great time we had. she was a trooper.. going in the cold water, and we all went into the "do not pass" section to get closer to the falls. we always have adventures and i love spending time with these two. hope to see you soon beautiful!
any ideas for trash the dress shoots that you like? and did you see the other Trash the dress? Marie Antoinette styled. SO much fun. have a blessed day all!