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Entries in fitness (3)


gotta get fit.

If you follow me on twitter, you might have seen that i declared before all that i promised myself and my husband that when i quit, i will go on a schedule around his, and also.. that i'm going to be more healthy, making working out a bigger part of my day. 
Tomorrow is my last day with the chapel, and although i wasn't feeling motivated, and technically i haven't quit yet.. i decided to start again today. Being around some people at work who eat healthy was the motivation. i'm going to need your help to keep me accountable. For a while i'll be on a workout/eating only healthy kick. It'll last weeks, even a couple months, but i don't see much improvement like i used to, so i quickly get discouraged. SO what's different about this time is 1- i get to make my own schedule. this means i'm putting my workout INTO my day. (when i worked at the mayo clinic i was working out up to 5 times a week) 2- i'll be more in control of the food around me. 
like today.. not perfect, but i'm just starting! blue goodness.. apple, and a grilled cheese. YUM
i started with a light lift. thinking this is all i would do today, besides eating healthy. Then i got the idea that i need a bike, my friend tonya has one i've used before, and she lives 1 1/2 miles away. i ran (well mostly slow jogged) to her house, got the bike down with a ladder.. this is where i felt like a thief, and rode a longer way home, so a little over 1 1/2 miles back. yup i'm done working out today. :) 
anyway i did have a point! i found i have more motivation when i have a goal in mind. today i had to get to tonya's.. i couldn't stop and just cut through some yards back. so i reached my goal easily today, and i'm thinking this might be the best way to get my cardio in! maybe biking to wal mart.. or get this ridiculous idea.. bike back to tonya's on thursday, and run back home, so each time it's the same distance, and goal, but i'm doing both to not get too tired at first. hmm. i'll see. but i do know i didn't stop! 
My friend Laura who writes a great fitness/health/life blog is someone i look up to for this.. so this is to you.. and everyone else too!.. how do you keep motivated? and mix things up? do you have to set goals? i'm thinking of running the 5k color run next year. anyway.. 
after running, i cooled down with a delicious protein shake, ones brandon orders of course, from the same place we get our XS energy.. check those out again HERE
and my vitamins! 
So here are my goals! share yours too if you'd like!
weight: lose about 12 lbs. 
feel fit, good about my body, and fit my clothes better. 
it's not even out of reach! just need that motivation. Sharing this so you all know what i plan on accomplishing! so share your goals, special snacks, or health tips! 

Five things. 

Super Bowl sunday! In my opinion, not one of the most interesting games, BUT friends over, delicious food none-the-less so i guess no complaints here, but it's a new week, and five more things to share with you! 

I've been working on some new products to order from WHCC, trying out some great stuff from them, and while designing an image box, i discovered a new font i'm enjoying. I'm not usually script crazy, i like simple fonts but this is a little bit more cute, and i'm hoping couples will love it too! 

and with that new font, here's an unfinished product i've been working on using it. Really love it with this photo! To be honest, i have NO idea how it even got on my computer, i do know Brandon got some great fonts for me one day, and now i have this one!  

I might have to round out some of my favorite fonts together one week! Also, round up some fonts to just always stay away from. yikes. there are plenty of those. It might be a great thing to know if planning a wedding and you have to decide on some design aspects of the invites, save the dates, and even menu cards! 

I shared a blog i LOVE to read when i need motivation to workout and eat healthy! This blog is inspiration for new shoots, themed, GORGEOUS ideas, and the way she edits. The more i love her work, i start to read about her life, and she's got such a love for life, people and what she does. She seems passionate and kind, and heck i don't even know her! so if you're looking for photography inspiration check out Wildflowers Photography. However i am warning you, it's highly addicting. Click on the image below to go right to the blog! 


I'm not usually a huge fan of cowboy boots on myself, but last year i was looking so hard for some fabulous boots to go with dresses, and i somehow stumbled upon these beauties. i'm still absolutely in love with them, wanted them, and then my heart saddened as i read the price tag... $500. As much as i'd love to get these boots, i think camera gear is more important, although shooting in these would be fun! Mostly i'm sharing these as a guilty pleasure that i'd love to be wearing. If you decide you have an extra 500, go ahead, i'll let you buy me these. Also if you know of some cute boots similar and 1/5 of the price i might consider it.   

Whelp, now time for a bit more realistic shoe. It's brand new for me! Just purchased these on saturday after work, late night errand run with Brandon. This has been a difficult task, and although Brandon didn't think he needed to be along, i'm glad he was there. As a hater of running, but lover of being skinny, and eating a dessert i had been getting blisters from my running shoes and it made me less excited to run. My old pair weren't really for running I actually think they were just a weight room shoe and BOY they were loud, it sounded like i was slamming my shoes on the ground; and all i could concentrate on were my feet. I have extremely flat feet, but hate anything with an arch since it just feels unnatural for me. Luckily runner husband suggested something that also bends with my feet. (he actually suggested those ones that go between your toes, but i'm just not sure i could handle the between my toe thing..) i asked around and found these basically feel like your natural feet, completely flexible, light, inexpensive, and even though this may not seem important, i felt cute! We ran this morning, and they felt fantastic so far! 

I had been using Nikes so long, and thought maybe i should try a different shoe. Adidas climacool is what i have, and oddly enough they're not pink! it's weird i know, but i'm really happy with these. Although it's too late for my shins, i've been icing them and breaking up the tissue after running, my feet are MUCH better. WHEW. 


Now snack time. Most of the time if i crave ice cream, which isn't terribly often, i'd rather use those precious calories on a salty chip snack we get all natural Breyer's vanilla. Although since i started working out again, i don't allow them in my house except today when we bought for everyone.  MEH. i figure it's not too bad, BUT i tried Almond dream a couple months ago and think it's really great! It's a non-dairy frozen dessert and really tastes like ice cream. It's made from almonds, and of course you can taste those but i find it delicious! I actually started out buying the Rice Dream dessert since we use the Rice Dream drink, but yuck, didn't like it quite as well. 

If you're lactose intolerant, doing gluten free meals,  or just trying to cut down the high fat content in dairy products like I am, this is a great treat! It's about 140 calories for 1/2 cup, still not the best snack to have but it sure beats all of the dairy ice cream!  


So i hope you had a great relaxing sunday! If you have any snack or fonts that you like! let me know, always looking for new things to try! 

Something i found while reading captivating lately...

"Just like God, woman is not a problem to be solved but a vast wonder to be enjoyed." 



Five things. 

Another week, and more favorites to share!

Mates of State's newest album Mountaintops is definitely something you need to check out! Not just because it's my cousins, but they're such talented artists and produce motivating and inspiring music. Lately it's on my workout list and keeps me running (and i'm not a fan of running.) I saw them live for the first time since i've moved this last November, and was in awe all over again! i even posted some photos here. Also to go to their main website click the image below! 
1. Palomino
2. Maracas*
3. Sway* -probably my most favorite song on the album! start here! 
4. Unless I'm Led*
5. Total Serendipity
6. Basement Money*
7. At Least I Have You
8. Desire
9. Change
10. Mistakes
*my favorites.
This is my favorite album of 2011, so check it out! let me know what you think. And if you pay CLOSE attention, one of the burger king commercials feature track 1- Palomino.  
the next favorite is another blog that motivates me. I went to college with Laura, and she has a great drive to blog so often! i love that about her, and she is great at inspiring to eat healthier, workout, and just is enjoying life! check out her blog by clicking the image below! i have a few go to blogs, lots of them wedding, but this one motivates my home life, so thank you Laura! 
Below is a detail that brides should definitely have! If you're a bride and wondering what cute hanger you should get, go to and order one of these adorable personalized ones! Not only do they add a perfect detail, but photographers love one more cute thing! These hangers also add some beauty to those dress photos, and then we don't have to hide the not-so-cute hangers dresses come on! ha You can decide the color, or even if you just want it to spell out "bride"! Maybe even a small gift for a bride. seriously love these. I wouldn't change much about my perfect wedding day, but i would add one of these! click on the image to go to and the designer of these hangers and start ordering today! This one is only $22. SO CUTE
I shared these delicious energy chews on twitter the other day,  but wanted to share them on here! If you know me, you know i'm in love with my XS energy drinks, and who wouldn't be with no crashing, less than 16 calories, and yummy! But if you need something you can bring with you in a long hike and need an extra boost these organic chews are perfect. Brandon and i have been trying different ways to get energy when we workout, lots of trips and tries to REI and the natural food section, but some are just plain terrible. I have to admit i picked these up for the color, and the name. But they really work! the first time i tried them, it was a long hike, i felt like i was going to faint, i needed some energy and these helped out! Picked these up at REI, and looking into buying them by the box! what's great is a simple workout you don't need the whole package, you can split it up into two days if it's just a couple hours. yes i'm in love. I believe it's about 160 calories for the entire package. 
Last is INSANITY! even though i have a gym membership, i find more excuses not to go because it takes time to get there, traffic, so many excuses really. Lately i've been doing some Zumba on xbox, running with brandon and then THIS. such a great workout, only about 40 minutes, easy to do at home, which means no excuses. It's great for men AND women. Brandon introduced me to this when we started dating, i did it a few times but living on the second story apartment building, it was loud. ha. so now when i'm looking for an intense workout i can do this! still be home and sweat like crazy. I think one thing i really like about it, is it's like being in a class again, and man i still get tired every time. so if you're looking for a new workout, look into Insanity! 
This post wasn't quite as cute, pink (well besides the organic chews) and blingy as the previous but i wanted to motivate you with some great produts out there! What blogs do YOU get motivated by and go to the most often? What workouts do you enjoy? 
i hope you had a wonderful sunday! God bless!