Kayaking adventures on lake mead, Las Vegas

Mini road trip to see brother in law, sister and to celebrate her birthday!
It was the perfect getaway, the drive down (about 5 hours) was a great time to just think, not allowing music to fill my head until i hit halfway. Spending time talking to my puppies, thinking about everything and enjoying the beautiful slight change in scenery. it wasn't a crazy vacation, just a nice relaxed time with some family. Exactly what i needed.
Arriving at 3 was perfect timing, the party was just starting, BBQ, cake, and some great friends! Eventually it died down, and Crissie and i spent some time in the movie room winding down from the night, and then, it was time to sleep.
The next morning felt absolutely perfect, it felt like i was at a bed and breakfast. I sat in the kitchen, watching the fan reflection turn on the spoon as i enjoyed classical music, chai latte, the door opened letting in the cool air, and a little IPad time. I was completely relaxed.
the view wasn't too bad either!
What i love about spending time with Crissie, is we can just sit around, chat and it's the best time. We didn't get out and explore too much, i wasn't there long enough, but i'll be visiting again when i can, hopefully with Brandon next time and we'll plan some fun stuff!
Eric met up with Crissie and me for lunch at an awesome little place called Ground Control. A fighter pilot that Eric knows actually started up the place, he roasts all his own coffee, sells it to other coffee shops too!
i was in love with this orange cream soda. delicious.
vacation eventually means relaxing on a couch after trying a new restaurant. Sitting under the covers with Conner and Murphy as we nap, and across from me, Crissie fell asleep too. ahh afternoon naps. What else could be better?
Exhausted puppies, and they slept the whole way home.
The drive back might have even been better than the drive there! In the dark, i could actually see the thousands of stars, and in Las Vegas you see like.. a hundred.. maybe. I didn't hit any snow on the way back, and it was so peaceful.
It was my first adventure away from Brandon that wasn't back to Minnesota and although i missed him like crazy and next time.. he will come with me!- It was nice to get out of Vegas, on my own and see some family again.
It was a perfect weekend getaway! Nice and relaxed here at home now.
So have you gone on any weekend getaways lately? Was it a long drive alone or was it a group of friends? Any favorite places i should know about for next time!? Even if you didn't get away this weekend, did you do anything fun, or discover something new? I discovered i want to make my own chai lattes.
Brandon and i met in July of 2008 In Fayetteville North Carolina. My best friend Rachelle had moved down there, and i went to visit and go on tons of adventures with her. Her boyfriend at the time lived with Brandon, and he was leaving in a couple days so they threw a going away party. At the time Brandon and i were both dating other people, but i secretly thought he was super cute. (Though i found out it was not so secret, since Rachelle had to sit me down and tell me i was flirting a little.. whoops.) So we met a couple times in passing at his house while inbetween advenures, and then the night of the party, Rachelle decided to tell people i'd sing and play guitar; so her and two of the guys that lived there.. brandon included went into a room where we just chatted and played guitar, i was super embarrassed. Below the the first picture i took of him, and all the people there celebrating!
That was really the end of the first meeting! when i slept over, and i was on the couch, i made sure when brandon woke up and came into the room that i wasn't drooling, romantic yes? ha.
Down the road, about 7-8 months later, he saw me writing on Rachelle's facebook wall, remembered me, thought i was cute, and since he was single now he went snooping around. I actually was recently single too so we talked, and a LOT. Looking back, i really loved how he pursued me, he kept asking if he could visit to see if we could date, but i rudely said no for a couple months. Again i found out later he almost gave up when i finally said he could visit.
His first visit was late may or early june, and he visited a few times within a few weeks which was pretty awesome! I went to pick him up at the airport, not having seen him for almost a year and i thought he'd hug me, he came up to me and just went in for the kiss. DANG. We had tons of fun, adventures, but i was so nervous when we went out to eat, he'd sit on the same side of the table and put his arm around me. He seemed so sure of himself and us.... our first advenure to the Guthrie Theater our first dance, and fun photo session. Proof.
Over the next couple of months we saw eachother pretty often, took lots of photos, he met my mom and i in Texas, so he met some of the family, and he completely had my heart.
Then September came. He was graduating from pilot training, and i got to be there, all dressed up and out with his family and my mama! He seemed super nervous but i didn't think anything of it, but WOW he proposed!
What was funny is right at the airport, Shelly baby asked me what i'd do if he proposed, i said i don't think he would, it was really soon, but i'd probably say yes! She didn't know, but just had a feeling. In a way she prepared my heart for it too!
I had another year of school, so he moved from OK, to NV and we didn't live in the same state until we were married, but it was such a great year! Being able to be with my friends, see my man and just have one last great year in Minnesota. We were married May 7, 2010 then i had finals the next week and we moved. Needless to say i was exhausted and a little crabby. i also didn't drive AT ALL from Minnesota to Nevada.
What i love about our story is if just one things was different, we would've never even met. I almost ended up not going so i didn't have to take off work, and i picked to visit just a few days before he left.
If you want to see more photos of our amazingly fun wedding, stay tuned i'll blog about it sometime, and include all the things that went great, and maybe a few things i'd change too. If you're planning a wedding, it can be stressful if you're not sure what to focus on, i'm always here with any questions!
Mustache March.
I announced that i was going to be changing a lot of things about the blog hopefully in a couple months! This mostly is going to include the website, completely changed! To do this, i need tons of new photos of my husband, and myself. This is just one of the shoots i've been wanting to try. Been feeling so unmotivated lately but just decided to go ahead and just do it! After work, late night shoot. OH- i realize the mustache isn't always appealing on me, even Brandon didn't want to kiss me after he drew it on.
I got these ideas online, just really simple, wanted all black and white. We haven't done a shoot in a while and it was about time! i have more photos of the puppies from last night, but they weren't loving getting a mustache unfortunately. pssst... click on the images to see them bigger!
you better believe, i edited these, and still now while writing this blog, i still have my mustache on... more authentic that way. ha. Also i forgot about my suspenders until a few weeks ago, i wore them out on a day date, and also wore Brandon's hat that he never wears. It was basically a photo shoot for lonely clothes.
I consider these photo shoots mini dates, even if it takes 30 minutes and we haven't left the house! It's still another adventure, good quality time together, and let's face it... i'm a photographer so these shoots have to happen. Plus, it's more photos to have for the house! BONUS. We tried puzzles, but started with the largest amount of pieces... gross, it's still sitting on our table, 2/3 complete.
Do you have any mini dates you enjoy? Anything that might not even take long but it's amazing quality time together?
Time for YOU to guess what we used to draw mustaches on each other.. cause there was NO WAY i was letting him sharpie it on.
happy thursday!
Here we go the start of 2012, and im looking forward to what God has in store for this year! i'm not one to make resolutions for the new year, i usually make them a month or two before and start them so it seems like a life change rather than something that will stop after a month. Last year i started to eat a little better.. and i still snack of course! but it's a slow process to move away from unhealthy food. so far we've been slightly better eating organic food, snacks, and rice dream for milk. in november i started working out again. man my motivation just hasn't been there! but we bought Kinect and zumba and dance central 2 and sports... so i want YOUR opinion. have you played the kinect!? and what have you thought about it? ill let you know what i think in a few months! my first weight goal is 5 lbs lighter by january 15th. slow process, so encouragement is appreciated!
anyway, last year at this time was our (late) honeymoon to San Diego! and since those photos seem like they were taken so long ago, i thought i'd share our most recent trip to santa barbara instead. we went in november when brandon had some time off, this was a more relaxed trip, and well.. we felt pretty old since santa barbara is a lot of older people, but it was perfect and exactly what we needed. The ocean was a block from our motel, and it was a perfect getaway for my family.
We didn't have the puppies til last may, and since this is their birthday month, murphy turns 1! then i thought i'd show them off a bit more. There WILL be a Murphy and Conner birthday celebration photoshoot. later to come of course!
(click on photos to see some detail!)
before we even left for Cali, i had an image in my head that i wanted. it came true! at the motel, they had these old bikes to ride around the town, and i wanted them in the basket. i can finally erase that image from my iphone things i need to try! it's going above the couch. HUGE of course.
we were trying to find things to do, and we gound some gardens that the pups could go to! time for enjoying beautiful trees, and walks, and good conversation with brandon. it was a perfect time.
HOLY COW. we found a sail boat ride at sunset. i took TONS of photos, but ended up just relaxing and enjoying the ride. though i've never gotten sea sick... i might have gotten a little bit this time.. oops! Terrible but we don't remember how much it was... $50 at most. and so worth it! there was only one other couple up front, and it was romantic. had to hit up the beach ONE more time before we left back to the desert. Can't complain though i guess, i'm one blessed girl!
do you have any suggestions on vacations in Cali!? we're thinking San Francisco at some point, and all things Disney too. maybe sometime this year, but our next trip will be hiking somewhere again!
my encouragement for the new year for you is to go on some adventures with your loved one or friends! it doesn't have to be terribly far, or even expensive! but spend some time with them, find new places, try new food! and have a wonderful start to your new year!