Our Story.

Brandon and i met in July of 2008 In Fayetteville North Carolina. My best friend Rachelle had moved down there, and i went to visit and go on tons of adventures with her. Her boyfriend at the time lived with Brandon, and he was leaving in a couple days so they threw a going away party. At the time Brandon and i were both dating other people, but i secretly thought he was super cute. (Though i found out it was not so secret, since Rachelle had to sit me down and tell me i was flirting a little.. whoops.) So we met a couple times in passing at his house while inbetween advenures, and then the night of the party, Rachelle decided to tell people i'd sing and play guitar; so her and two of the guys that lived there.. brandon included went into a room where we just chatted and played guitar, i was super embarrassed. Below the the first picture i took of him, and all the people there celebrating!
That was really the end of the first meeting! when i slept over, and i was on the couch, i made sure when brandon woke up and came into the room that i wasn't drooling, romantic yes? ha.
Down the road, about 7-8 months later, he saw me writing on Rachelle's facebook wall, remembered me, thought i was cute, and since he was single now he went snooping around. I actually was recently single too so we talked, and a LOT. Looking back, i really loved how he pursued me, he kept asking if he could visit to see if we could date, but i rudely said no for a couple months. Again i found out later he almost gave up when i finally said he could visit.
His first visit was late may or early june, and he visited a few times within a few weeks which was pretty awesome! I went to pick him up at the airport, not having seen him for almost a year and i thought he'd hug me, he came up to me and just went in for the kiss. DANG. We had tons of fun, adventures, but i was so nervous when we went out to eat, he'd sit on the same side of the table and put his arm around me. He seemed so sure of himself and us.... our first advenure to the Guthrie Theater our first dance, and fun photo session. Proof.
Over the next couple of months we saw eachother pretty often, took lots of photos, he met my mom and i in Texas, so he met some of the family, and he completely had my heart.
Then September came. He was graduating from pilot training, and i got to be there, all dressed up and out with his family and my mama! He seemed super nervous but i didn't think anything of it, but WOW he proposed!
What was funny is right at the airport, Shelly baby asked me what i'd do if he proposed, i said i don't think he would, it was really soon, but i'd probably say yes! She didn't know, but just had a feeling. In a way she prepared my heart for it too!
I had another year of school, so he moved from OK, to NV and we didn't live in the same state until we were married, but it was such a great year! Being able to be with my friends, see my man and just have one last great year in Minnesota. We were married May 7, 2010 then i had finals the next week and we moved. Needless to say i was exhausted and a little crabby. i also didn't drive AT ALL from Minnesota to Nevada.
What i love about our story is if just one things was different, we would've never even met. I almost ended up not going so i didn't have to take off work, and i picked to visit just a few days before he left.
If you want to see more photos of our amazingly fun wedding, stay tuned i'll blog about it sometime, and include all the things that went great, and maybe a few things i'd change too. If you're planning a wedding, it can be stressful if you're not sure what to focus on, i'm always here with any questions!

Reader Comments (2)
I knew you two had a cute love story but I didn't know that it was that cute! Honestly you guys are one of the most meant to be couples I know. Thanks for sharing your story :)
Love this Shanna! Sometimes when you get to watch two's love story in real life, you never get to hear the story from them. It is pretty neat how you both took a chance on each other :) Love that Shelly had a nice role in your love story too!