centennial lakes, Edina- Kou & MaiNhia Yang

MaiNhia had a fabulous idea of meeting at Centennial Lakes in Edina for some photographs of her and husband Kou. it could not have been more beautiful, the areas of green and changing colors was perfection and they are so cute together! She had the serious/sexy look down!

not only did they have the serious look down, but they were are laughing and smiling. i'm thinking i might have to make another trip up just to hang out with this amazing couple!

it's always a good idea to have two looks if possible. we started with something more casual and then she changed into a dress with heels. even if some poses are similar, it gives variety in choices that you'll get!

MaiNhia, you're absolutely gorgeous and i had the best time with both of you. it's always such a fun adventure to photograph in new places and be able to explore around. (especially with a fun couple!)
thank you for our evening together, and hopefully see you cuties soon!
centennial lakes,