

Jesus. baking. music. weight lifting. nights. talking. iphone. loud. dates with husband. shoes. sleep. dancing. singing. decorating. design. my puppies. 

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Entries in personal (24)


Conner & Murphy- puppy face!

My babies! You might have seen these images before of my pups, but i wanted to share how this photo shoot went. It was difficult. Before we left for Santa Barbara which you can check out the full puppy-cation here. I actually was looking for an old bicycle and had this image in mind! so when we got to our little motel and saw the old bicycles, i was PUMPED.

Brandon started the shoot by putting Conner and Murphy in the basket with blankets and riding around. It was then my turn to try, and poor Murphy jumped out while in motion. i was actually really scared! poor thing hit its tiny puppy head.

so maybe it wasn't the best idea, but we got the photos i wanted, and it's now hung up in our living room!


One of my favorite spots.

Red Wing, Minnesota.

If you've snooped around, you'll know that i'm originally from Minnesota. I grew up there, lived there til i was 22. After moving, i've grown even more appreciative of how beautiful it is. (in my opinion though, the snowy winter is not so tempting and i'm thankful to be away from that aspect.) I was searching through some photos from last September when i visited. I went up to one of my favorite spots in Red Wing. Thought of these pictures after a friend of mine, Danielle mentioned this place again to me. (i actually photographed her engagement photos!.. check them out here.) This spot is about 15 minutes from where i grew up, and is always a favorite place for a little adventure.

The Mississippi River, cross the bridge and you're in Wisconsin, and such a gorgeous view. What i love about this place is you can see the most of the city, and yet, you turn around walk and this is another view you'll get shortly.

It's always such a good adventure spot when i'm with Rachelle. If you haven't followed my posts long, you might have missed that Rachelle and her boyfriend recently visited me here in las vegas! what a great time to see her again! Rachelle let me photograph her and michael too! If you want to see those, click here! Super cute.

I constantly talk about Minnesota, and wanted to show just a glimpse into one of my favorite places. When i get to go back, i'll make sure to get photos of my other favorite places!

Not only is this a great place just for fun, but a beautiful area for photos, I've seen a few friends get some wedding photos up here too, so always consider a beautiful place like this!

Anyone have any guesses to another place i love to go? I'm thinking eventually i should have a giveaway, but one a little more fair... not based on my fave places.. so be ready for that! If there is a fun prize, does someone have one they'd like to see given away!?


Day off project! 

Happy Wednesday!

Today i wanted to share something a little different. I actually have a couple days off, which means time to relax and work on some things i've been wanting to! yeah! I've had this fun idea of one of the mates of states photos i took while they were playing here in Las Vegas. The first time i tried something similar, it didn't turn out how i imagined, but last night i was feeling inspired again to try, so glad i did! 

Kori is one gorgeous chick! 

If you want to see all the originals, you can by clicking here. I've talked about their new CD out, and i'm still in love, if you want to go back and read about, head HERE

Thought i'd share another video from their newest album. This is "Maracas." They're working on another video too, which i'm sure i'll share when i see it. 


any favorite new albums you want to share? or fun projects you do when you have a little time off?  

It's a great day, lots of things to catching up to do, including getting my hair done, so hope you have a wonderful Wednesday too! 


Little celebrations. 


While out to eat with my husband, we talk about the most random things, and today was no different. We got to talking how long we've been together, and comparing how long we have til we beat our longest past relationship. The table conversation got silent for several minutes, while we calculated how many days we had left til we've been with one another the longest. We've both in some long relationships SO we got it down. November 29, 2012 we will be celebrating being together more than any other person we were with; which also happens to be Brandon's birthday! We've had some amazing times as husband and wife so far, and are oddly excited to celebrate this achievement! Which leads to the question, what do you and your significant other celebrate? 


Almost every day one of us does something insane, and we say to the other "i hope other couples do this too, do you think they do?" Simply because it's ridiculous and we have so much fun playing. The first time we ever really played, we wrestled. i have to say, i lost.... he didn't even pretend to give me a chance. 


Even in the short time we've been married (2 years in may!) we've come up with some great made up games to play. Sitting here and thinking, i think those are the best times, the small moments where we're fully ourselves, in love and best friends. 


Please note how creepy Brandon is in this second photo. This is one of our cheap "puppyventures" yes part of our love games is to make up words. Remember, we call all our dates adventures. Capriotti's, park time, soaking up the sun. Oh yes... and creepy faces.

Just was excited to share just a blurb into the world here in las vegas, and i'd love to hear some fun games you play with your significant other, and all the little celebrations that mean so much!  

can't wait til Brandon's next birthday, and a step together that means, we've been together the longest. :)

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