

Jesus. baking. music. weight lifting. nights. talking. iphone. loud. dates with husband. shoes. sleep. dancing. singing. decorating. design. my puppies. 

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Entries in personal (24)


a beautiful gift from a beautiful friend.

Friday morning i woke up to an AMAZING surprise. Let's start a few years ago shall we. Two friends of mine from college got married, their anniversary coming up in July! and i have had the opportunity first to see them fall for each other, but also photograph their engagement photos, wedding photos, and a trash the dress session. They're absolutely amazing, and so much fun! Plus photographing their cuteness also allows me to hang out with them for a bit.

anyway, like i said friday morning i go to the door and there's a surprise package waiting for me from Haeli! i couldn't even believe it. i opened it and started to cry even before finding the letter. i'm so undeserving of this gift, but her friend Jaimie painted a photo from my wedding, a great photo of my husband and i. I can't wait to hang it up, but i had to photograph it first to show you! so here's a few.

it's a photo that in black and white i have hanging in our bedroom, so i am SO excited she chose this one to have painted.

look at that detail!

it's gorgeous! The reason she said she sent it is 1- for our 2nd anniversary present and 2- as a thank you for photos of her and her husband jon. She absolutely is such a blessing in my life, and i'm so thankful to have her as a friend. Thank you Haeli girl!

i'm so excited about this gift, and i can't thank her enough and show her how much it means to me! thank you so much, it's so beautiful.


Celebrating our 2nd anniversary at the wynn!

Yesterday was a perfect day! i woke up to a big victoria's secret waiting for me on the counter. it was a huge surprise because we had gone shopping recently and decided against any gifts. it was full of pretty things, i was so excited! he went to work for a bit, and i secretly thought the night before i might go buy a gift. so i did! i went off to caesar's palace to pick up a few things, then headed home. Brandon got off work early and we had the chance to watch one of our favorite shows. Game of Thrones! Then we got ready then headed to the wynn for dinner at the lakeside cafe. 

It's a goal of ours to slowly eat at some of the more fancy restaurants around town, mostly for special occasions and when people come into town, we'll have recommendations. It was beautiful! 

before making reservations, brandon did a good job of  researching.. mostly because i'm not a huge fan of seafood, so he found out there was filet mignon.. he knew i'd be up for it! so that's what i got.. like usual. and he tried the swordfish. 

i actually hadn't eaten much in a few days, so i had plenty of room.. it was FABULOUS. we also got two sides to share. and here's the crab mac and cheese.. yes i ate around the crab. 

we had room for dessert somehow! and ordered this butterscotch, and HOLY CRAP it was amazing!! and since we told our waiter it was our 2nd anniversary, he brought out delicious cupcakes too!! 

we stayed a little late to watch the fun water show.. we got the frog. haha it was fun 

we didn't get a perfect photo together, but had so much fun laughing, and enjoying each other. we bought my dress the other day!- and i wore my wedding shoes, and used my wedding purse too. it was such a special date night, and i'm glad i asked off work to hang out with this guy :)

These might not be the best quality, but i wanted to share with you our 2nd anniversary and our fun date out. we're thinking more adventures out of state for future celebrations, but this was perfect for now. do you have any fun traditions with your spouse!? or a fun adventure to help celebrate? 

and yes i'm still working hard on Kenna's photos.. promise they'll come soon!


Davista Design. 

i posted the new design for my logo, and although i still don't need new business cards, i've been playing around with what they might look like! I've had conversations with Danette, and others about showing off some photography, but i didn't know what to land on for wedding photography on a business card.. so i'm still playing with the idea, but here's something i thought of. A few of the lines are off, but i want your opinion! 

If you want to see the original and new design, click here



leave some love, or if you have a photo you've seen that YOU think should be on the business cards, throw those ideas my way.


puppy-ventures. birthday style.


This past January we celebrated our puppies birthdays! which we actually found out later that day to be the wrong month.. it was december, but since we don't know conner's birthday, we celebrate together so one isn't more spoiled with a treat. We decided a light puppy hike and time together would be fun! i planned on doing a cute photoshoot with them, but couldn't find the right stuff.. so next year i'm going to be prepared. i might even still do one. shhhh... 

Our first stop before the hike was to a cute little animal shop to find a cupcake for them. This is the part i need to be more prepared for. They had cute cookies, which we ended up getting but it wasn't what i wanted.. sigh. and then the party hats were too big. poor little puppy heads. We DID find a good present for them, which i still can't share.. but i WILL tell you this, there will be a nice photoshoot with my boys during football season :) 

Then we headed to Calico Basin. We hadn't been there before and are always up for new adventures! Murphy leading the way of course, wanting always a bit more freedom then the leash allows. stinker. 

Right away we made some friends! little kids like our puppies. 

sad little cupcake cookie. melty. i'll get it right next year! But they still loved it!
yeah for puppy birthday!!

They weren't thrilled about being on a tall rock alone. but. they're cute. it was a pretty happy birthday for them though! 


My life in Heels

Shoe girl. 
big surprise. a girl loving her shoes. I wanted to show you a glimpse into one of my favorite parts of my closet. Some of you have seen the ridiculousness that is my shoe collection, but just in case.. There are a lot of heels, and no i haven't displayed them all. i have about 22 more pairs.. BUT that's not to say it's an problem :) i have an issue getting rid of clothes and shoes, so a lot of these i've had for a while. If you've been following my blog you might even recognize a few! Also, no these don't include flats. So here's a few of my favorites!
Let's be honest, there are so many occasions for different kind of heels. i think i've got most of those covered ;) 
so there ya go! a glimpse into my closet. Hope you enjoy! Oh- and notice my pink blazer. i LOVE blazers. See more.. HERE
All photos taken by me! thanks pocket wizards. 
Happy Thursday!