Minnesota farm boys- Levi and Jacob

Happy Friday! whew! i'm finally back home for a couple days before i venture out, and there's so many things to share with you!
when i was in Minnesota this last time, i had the opportunity to see one of my dearest friends, Michelle and photograph her two boys! She had such a cute idea, got them in their overalls, cute hats, and even used a shelf that her husband had made for the house. SO cute.
Michelle and Jeff were behind the scenes making them laugh like crazy. i couldn't stop snapping! and Levi fixed his hat with no direction and looked perfect.
ha i had to include this one of levi. he has some wonderful facial expressions!
they are absolutely adorable!
just one i had to show of sweet jacob crying. one of my faves even with those tears. he was done here, but did So good!
and levi helping him feel better:) what sweet brothers
it's always such a blessing to photograph a family that i truly love and get to catch up with friends from school. It's a wonderful way to see their boys grow, see their lovely home and mostly just laugh and enjoy one another. (and maybe get some DQ after we're finished)
More than you know Matthees family, you bring such joy to my heart!
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