Hok-si-la, Lake City- Dicke Family

i absolutely adore this family. i'm always so happy when i get to see sweet babies grow and boy, Connor just has the best personality that has really started to shine! i can't believe he's one already though! Kristina had a great idea of heading out to Hok-si-La beach in Lake City to capture these and some of my favorites!

Although Alex will say he's not pumped about photos, or shopping for clothes for photos... you can't tell. especially in the photo below. how he's looking at his son is so precious.

Connor.. ahhh too adorable! love his little looks.

Kristina, you look absolutely stunning and so happy with your two boys!

we got some Connor and mama time in, lots of kisses and giggles :)

Kristina, you were brilliant when thinking about this location! Hok-si-La beach in Lake City ended up being perfect even with mayflies that day. i can't wait to print a few for my office too of your lovely family!
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