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Michael & Rachelle- engagement! 

What can i say?! Rachelle has been my best friend since high school and i was so happy to be able to photograph some engagement shots for her! what i absolutely love and you might all know is that photographing close friends can be so much fun, only because if it's your bestie, you can basically have them do whatever you want. They can be more adventurous, a tad dangerous and it's all good. 
we went by the stone arch bridge but this time we went up some of the hills that literally made us fall, and since there were dresses involved.. well that's always an interesting time. But Rachelle is such a trooper and trusts me so when i ask her to do something not necessarily fun to get to, she does it! and with excitement. so some of my favorite photos right now are from this session, thanks for being willing to fall up and down a steep hill to get these shots :) and michael.. for holding all our stuff while we did it!
you might have seen a few on these on facebook already and if you haven't, you should probably head over and become a fan. but i wanted to add in some of the crazy ones too although we ended with lots of kissy close ones. there were even a few i haven't posted yet of michael just busting out laughing. if you want to see more i'll be posting them on facebook soon too! 

we got such a good variety of kissy huggy and crazy ones, like i said i'll post more of those over on fb so check it out! Rachelle told me that she's never been able to be herself as much as she is with michael so i had to keep all the silly ones too. :) 
They're getting married next year and... i get to be IN it! ahh! :) it's going to be hard relaxing and not snapping a thousand photos, well maybe i'll catch a few ;) 
Rachelle i'm so thankful to have you in my life, through all the ups and downs when i need encouragement or need to hear the hard truth you've been someone who has provided me with exactly what i need to hear. A friend who always listens, loves, and recently picks me up from the air port and drives me around. you are such an amazing friend and i'm so happy we met that day at the pool in middle school. Let's face it, sometimes we wish we could go back and swim everyday, i guess lazy tan days on the boat are just as fun.. especially our first time driving. we have the best most silly fun adventures ever. i love you. 

Reader Comments (1)

Love Shanna! Best pictures hands down! BEAUTIFUL!

July 18, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterDanielle Diercks

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