Alex, Kristina, & baby Connor (family photos on a hike!)

These two are just so cute together! i can't say enough about how fabulous Kristina looks after having baby Connor!

I grew up in school with Alex, and i love seeing friends becoming fathers. it's beautiful and crazy. Alex and Kristina have been together since our senior year in high school and they're crazy for each other! I had to add the first photo, after i found out alex isn't much for PDA so after that..... i made them kiss a lot. That explains most of the cute laughs between the two of them.

Alex found this perfect spot for his gorgeous wife and adorable baby boy, and it was a good 15 minute hike up a hill to get there, and it was completely worth it. we ended just in time before the poured and stormed. go us!

so here's a few of our session together!
it was such a fun shoot, so thank you both for letting me photograph your growing family! and this last photo right above.. seriously kristina, you're kicking it! perfect.

i loved being able to see your beautiful home, and spend some time with you, catching up and of course meeting Connor. he's absolutely precious. There are more photos of just him, so you'll see those soon!
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