Family Farm engagement in the rain!- Ashley and Scott

Watching Scott and Ashley together makes you feel instantly at ease and at home. it was the first time i had the chance to meet scott, ashley and i grew up in the same small town and together they're so happy!

Right away they were both laughing, teasing each other, and loved all the kisses ;) And when one had to run somewhere, i always enjoy hearing how they talk about each other. they have a loving relationship, and it just makes me more inspired during the shoot!

They were good sports.. it was actually lightly raining almost the entire time, and so foggy! but i think it made for some fabulous photos!
Then when Ashley brought up that she wanted some photos on a hay bale, i almost flipped out, i've been wanting to do so, and it was a perfect time for it!

the moments like the one above is what i LOVE! i won't tell you what we were talking about, but those who know me well.. it's a common and likely subject.. and i'm not even the one who brought it up, needless to say, we had such a fun time!
There are lots more photos, but this is just a sneak peek of our time together. We started at Ashley's parents farm, and then over to lake city to finish up. Almost right when we got back, it started pouring rain. i'd say we had some perfect timing!

Thank you both for a fun day. i can't wait for your wedding, it's going to be amazing! Ashley, you're going to be stunning as always, and you had perfect ideas for your engagement photos!

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