Peterson family- lucky man with three beautiful girls!

September in Minnesota Continued.
let's be honest, anytime i get to go back home and photograph loved ones, it's so exciting! This family was so amazing to see because i grew up with Josh, went to preschool with him, watched him be an awesome athlete, and graduated with him! I played basketball with Laura when i was in 5th grade! Seeing this family grow is completely heart warming. and still, so crazy to me! Are we really old enough? aren't we still still in high school being just kids? :)
This couple has two beautiful girls and have given them a home and i really like being able to catch up with old friends while getting to shoot. (one of my favorite things i'd say!)
I was staying at a friends house, and didn't even realize they lived about 5 houses away. so i walked up my camera equipment and was able to see their family be completely in their element. and so much love here... and trying to convince Lily to play some basketball. i'm sure she'll come around!
Josh and Laura. you have such a wonderful family in eachother and your girls. thank you for spending some time with me this past september.
click on photos to see more detail
Sweet mama and her girls. and let me tell you what, Laura is absolutely stunning.. check out the image of just her below! HOTT.
yup. the more i look at these, the more i love them! i'm so blessed to have photographed the Peterson family. and the girls have grown so much since september!
Do you have fun ideas for family photos? or locations you like to shoot? I mentioned this in the last post, but check out the previous blog about upcoming specials and how you can get some free prints! WOOT!

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