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Entries in wedding (40)


Inspiration in bloom. 

Fresh new ideas for spring!


Today has already been an amazing Spring day. I'm off from work, so it meant a nice massage, cleaning, puppy walk, cooking and talking with my best friend! I mentioned i was stuck on a post for today, and she said how beautiful it was out. She's absolutely right, and even without meaning to, she constantly inspires me! So what better way to celebrate this day to show off some colors, and ideas for Spring! 

I've found a pantone of hot colors for Spring 2012, so if you're looking for some inspiration, think about combining some of these colors! 

I also shared some cute colorful personalized mason jars you can find again here. Here's another way to use mason jars wedding or party! 

Maybe thinking about a sweets table instead or along with a cake? Found this adorable bright table full of candy! Delicious, cute and great way to show all your favorites to your guests.

 Also a couple ways to show off some flowers on your big day! 

Hopefully this helped with some new fresh ideas for spring, colors, and combinations! If you want new ideas all the time check out my pinterst or click here to go directly to it.

This day has finally inspired me to change some of the decorations. Beautiful new wreath, out with the winter scents, all bright new colors! 

Do you have any fun fresh ideas for the new season? I'd love to hear them, email me at if you have some photos to share! 

Hope you're enjoying this beautiful day and at least getting outside for a walk, make it a date. 


Hot Florals! 

I sat down with a dear friend of mine today. We discussed so many things, like usual since neither of us can ever seem to be quiet for two seconds. This is a reason i love her so much, we can be ourselves completely, and help each other realize even more who we are. Today she told me when she thinks of me, she thinks of pastels. I've come to terms very recently that i need to embrace the girly side of me. It's been since i've been married that i can finally embrace all of it. 


 i told her i have saved hundreds of wedding images, lots of floral and anytime that i do they're always either pastels or hot colors, and let's be honest 90% of the time they include the color pink. I want to share some great bouquets for 2012, hot trends, and all things gorgeous! 

First i have to admit, if i could go back, one thing id do differently is my bouquet, i loved the flowers, the colors, BUT i had a smaller bouquet, and seeing thousands of flowers now at the chapel, i have a new opinion of the perfect bouquet! Of course this isn't the perfect for everyone but something to consider.. first the length of the stem, and how thick the bouquet should be example:

This is an example of longer stems, less flowers, not as "chunky." 


if you want to see some constant kickin' bouquets, check out layers of lovely, click here. They were the florists that put together the fabulous flowers for the trash the dress session, if you forgot, click HERE to see that photo shoot.


click on the image below to see them bigger! something i think is wonderful are the bouquets made from broaches. You can get these made with antiques your family has, as well as any that the florist has. i haven't found someone i know personally who does this, but there are lots of places that do these! love. i have a love for all the chunky types of bouquets, short stems, tons of flowers... absolutely gorgeous!

You'll notice these have tons of the color pink, but there are favorites of mine without it i promise! one of my favorite color schemes right now is gray and yellow but i'll talk about THAT another time. here are just some inspiration and if you want to find more i can give out some other great places for inspiration! 

 what kind of flowers are you using? what style? i'd like to what you love! 



Five things. 

Another week, and more favorites to share!

Mates of State's newest album Mountaintops is definitely something you need to check out! Not just because it's my cousins, but they're such talented artists and produce motivating and inspiring music. Lately it's on my workout list and keeps me running (and i'm not a fan of running.) I saw them live for the first time since i've moved this last November, and was in awe all over again! i even posted some photos here. Also to go to their main website click the image below! 
1. Palomino
2. Maracas*
3. Sway* -probably my most favorite song on the album! start here! 
4. Unless I'm Led*
5. Total Serendipity
6. Basement Money*
7. At Least I Have You
8. Desire
9. Change
10. Mistakes
*my favorites.
This is my favorite album of 2011, so check it out! let me know what you think. And if you pay CLOSE attention, one of the burger king commercials feature track 1- Palomino.  
the next favorite is another blog that motivates me. I went to college with Laura, and she has a great drive to blog so often! i love that about her, and she is great at inspiring to eat healthier, workout, and just is enjoying life! check out her blog by clicking the image below! i have a few go to blogs, lots of them wedding, but this one motivates my home life, so thank you Laura! 
Below is a detail that brides should definitely have! If you're a bride and wondering what cute hanger you should get, go to and order one of these adorable personalized ones! Not only do they add a perfect detail, but photographers love one more cute thing! These hangers also add some beauty to those dress photos, and then we don't have to hide the not-so-cute hangers dresses come on! ha You can decide the color, or even if you just want it to spell out "bride"! Maybe even a small gift for a bride. seriously love these. I wouldn't change much about my perfect wedding day, but i would add one of these! click on the image to go to and the designer of these hangers and start ordering today! This one is only $22. SO CUTE
I shared these delicious energy chews on twitter the other day,  but wanted to share them on here! If you know me, you know i'm in love with my XS energy drinks, and who wouldn't be with no crashing, less than 16 calories, and yummy! But if you need something you can bring with you in a long hike and need an extra boost these organic chews are perfect. Brandon and i have been trying different ways to get energy when we workout, lots of trips and tries to REI and the natural food section, but some are just plain terrible. I have to admit i picked these up for the color, and the name. But they really work! the first time i tried them, it was a long hike, i felt like i was going to faint, i needed some energy and these helped out! Picked these up at REI, and looking into buying them by the box! what's great is a simple workout you don't need the whole package, you can split it up into two days if it's just a couple hours. yes i'm in love. I believe it's about 160 calories for the entire package. 
Last is INSANITY! even though i have a gym membership, i find more excuses not to go because it takes time to get there, traffic, so many excuses really. Lately i've been doing some Zumba on xbox, running with brandon and then THIS. such a great workout, only about 40 minutes, easy to do at home, which means no excuses. It's great for men AND women. Brandon introduced me to this when we started dating, i did it a few times but living on the second story apartment building, it was loud. ha. so now when i'm looking for an intense workout i can do this! still be home and sweat like crazy. I think one thing i really like about it, is it's like being in a class again, and man i still get tired every time. so if you're looking for a new workout, look into Insanity! 
This post wasn't quite as cute, pink (well besides the organic chews) and blingy as the previous but i wanted to motivate you with some great produts out there! What blogs do YOU get motivated by and go to the most often? What workouts do you enjoy? 
i hope you had a wonderful sunday! God bless! 

My mama got married!

Starla and Bob married June 11, 2011

There are so many things i want to share about this wedding! This is so dear to my heart since it's my mom, and i was still protective, even though i knew Bob was great! I was able to spend some time with Bob just about a year before their wedding, when the two of them came from Texas (and my brother and his girlfriend from MN) to visit my new home in Las Vegas; oh and if you're reading this, bug them about coming to see me again! we miss them. Like i said Brandon and i got to spend a little time with them as a couple, but it went by SO fast. The next time we were really going to be able to be together was their wedding. what a blessing that Brandon got to be there as well! 

Brandon and i traveled together to Texas to see their most amazing home, and i'll share a few photos of that too! Bob and Starla were originally going to have their wedding at a friends' house which was gorgeous as well, but she decided to have it in her own home, which i found just romantic and meaningfull and one of my favorite things about the wedding really! it's absolutely gorgeous. However this was an interesting time for me to travel since i recently had broken a rib (or so we're pretty sure) and hardly slept staying up all night coughing for a couple of months. But it all worked out! 

i got to photograph most of the day, brandon took over for the ceremony because i was in it.. wow that was difficult for me! but he did so good, i'm so proud of him! and lots of moments between Bob and Mom. 

Here's something special to me i wanted to share, the moment i knew he was right for her, i knew he was extra good to her, would take care of my mom and really just loved her so! It was after the wedding, the next day i believe and my mom had of course made delicious food to share. However it was an important game on everyone wanted to see, and at that time they didn't have a tv yet so we all were going to go out. i watched from across the kitchen as i saw my mom was saddened that she had made these lasangas, and no one was staying. she was hurt but would never say so. I talked to her about it and was making SURE it was okay, and that i could tell she was sad. No one else really noticed except.. for Bob. He saw that she was sad about it and explained to all the kids "i actually have a lot to get done around here, i think i'll stay." i loved that moment. He didn't blame my mom for not going, and the game was important to him as well, but his bride had been hurt and he knew he should be there for her. something so small that i'll never forget. i stopped being so protective after that. ;) 

So here's some moments from their day! if you'd like to see more, i can upload more too! it was a gorgeous day. and there aren't any good photos of myself during the ceremony. crying. Also check out my facebook page to see more! don't forget to become a fan! leave some love.

What a wonderful, beautiful day their wedding day was! i ended up choosing to share lots of little moments from the day. and i was so happy to be able to photograph my mom's wedding. i'm so thankful. Actually looking back at the photos, it helps me remember even more about the day. that weekend, my brother, his girlfriend, my husband and i all of us played games and just had a blast together. I didn't show a lot of the family photos because there were so many others to share; but while i was there i also had the opportunity to photograph my Nana, Aunt and mom again for their business which i'll share soon! they are great women, and i so look up to Nana. She has owned different businesses, and i aspire to do that one day too. They have their own CPR business and with their blonde hair, crazy outgoing personality and cute looks, they stay pretty busy ;)

is there a moment from a wedding that you remember? 


Luke and Nicole- wedding!

One of the best ways is describe this day, was absolute love! watching how friends and family wanted to help and really do anything to be there for luke and nicole was one of my favorite parts of the day. it was great to sit back and watch how friends made it about Nicole, it was her day, and they would've done anything for her. 

I had the honor of shooting their wedding in Minnesota this past september, a girl i had grown up with; from kindergarten to graduation, and being around all of those girls again was wonderful! it's great to know, even when i moved away, i can still come back and feel just part of it all again. an amazing group of girls! (guys too!) 

There were a quite a few favorites of the day! and i mentioned one already, but another the way you could just tell how proud of eachother the couple was. and at the end of the night, a bridesmaid (michelle) pointed out to me that the two of them were just watching their reception from a hill away from the tent on the farm. and it was beautiful. they were just enjoying eachother, and all of the loved that came to celebrate them! (and their little guy Ayden too) It's so fun shooting a wedding where you've grown up with the bride, know her friends, family and so much about her! she was absolutely stunning on her day, and she felt it too :) 

Their reception took place on Nicole's family farm, and it was beautiful! the girls got ready there too and it made for a great atmosphere! and great dress shots! ;) 


this little cutie getting read to it Ayden, the couples' baby boy! he's getting so big now, but he did great on the big day! 

Below is Nicole and her mama Mary, she helped her get ready, and while putting on her necklace, the bridesmaids were in tears, not to mention and of course Mary was too! Nicole is the baby of the family, so of course emotion all around! 

the girls were so much fun! just so cute in front of the camera, though most of them knew how i worked, so it made it easy, but just SO cute. 
the guys.. well, they weren't too sure about me at first, but i think eventually i won em over! 

at the beginning of the post, i wrote about how nicole and luke stood on a little hill and watched over the reception and people that loved them, THIS is the view they had. an absolutely gorgeous night, perfect Minnesota evening. 

a little bit longer post to see the wedding day! 

are you recently engaged?! need any suggestions or help? i wouldn't mind giving some tips if needed. 

any posts you want to see on the blog? 

well, my best friend rachelle is in town, so off on the town we go! have a blessed day! 

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