I've been talking up WHCC and their products and customer service for a while now, i finally got around to ordering a float canvas for the women's event AND for our home! one of Brandon's favorite images we plan to hang in the weight room.
There are two options i have for ordering a canvas. One is the wrap canvas (basic canvas) and this one that you see is the float canvas. This one is a bit cheaper in price and i have to say, absolutely gorgeous! i added the pearl shimmer paper to this one so in the black and white there's a little pop to it. i think it turned out perfect!

It still wraps around so all sides are covered, but has a block on the back to pop out away from the wall. Sturdy and a great piece of artwork for your home. This one is 20x24 but as soon as Brandon saw it, he said "i thought you'd get and even bigger one!" even goes to show you, it really can make a difference with a large art piece. This one fits perfect in the place i'm hanging it but next time i know i need to order one that's even larger :)

I have LOVED ordering products for not only my office and clients, but around the house. It's so important to use those prints to show off your family and photographs.
One of my favorite prints is actually a 10x20 of Brandon and i on the beach with the puppies running towards him (it's my personal fb page cover photo) something a little different that fits on the shelves above the cabinets.
I'd love to know, what are some of your favorite art pieces in your home? Do you try to have larger prints to show off?
here's a little challenge for you today. write or call a family or friend today to encourage them. not only will it brighten their day, it could spark that relationship even more and bless them and you more than you know!