Five things.

whew! home from Minnesota, and catching up on all the wonderful photoshoots. i had such a great time! but i haven't shared any 5 favorite things in a while. so here we go!

i received some lovely images from simply bridal, a great resource for gowns, bridesmaid dresses, veils and jewelry! They're so wonderful, they even offered to share some specials with you all, if you ask for a code from me! so check out their site by clicking on the link above or on the image below! don't forget to read some alternatives to bouquets!- love these ideas!
If you follow me, you might have seen lots of photos or posts about the Advocare 24 day challenge that i just finished up on June 8th!- Jordan, a good friend of mine, sells the products and knew i wanted to do a cleanse, and be on a better track for eating. Through the process i found lots of yummy food i didn't even know i liked, and a few favorite products!

Berry meal replacement shake. These have been a life saver when there isn't any healthy food around and i need to eat right then! no cheating on meals, and delicious.

spark, is the energy and focus powder you mix with water for a delicious drink! you know i'm hooked on XS energy drink, but these are fantastic too! i'll continue to buy these.. yummmm!! If you're interested in a 24 day challenge, cleanse and clean eating, let me know and i'll put you in contact with someone who helps every step of the way!

this next one has been a great motivating blog! A beautiful young lady started a blog recently! Hope shows us tools to use to have a healthier lifestyle! she also is available for dietary consultation, meal planning, and supplementation plans. Click on the image below to start following her great blog and read more about her journey too! you even might recognize her people of minnesota, she's from red wing!
the next favorite is just adorable! i love it! i went to school with the owner of this fabulous business, and you should check it out! it's called Brown Eyed Beauties, where their passion is affordable and adorable fashion! right there alone.. i'm hooked! click on the image below to go right to their facebook page and start buying some pieces! don't forget to like her page to see updates!
whew! packed full of some great stuff! i hope you find a few things from here you like too! happy wednesday!
five things

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