Five things.

It's been such another wonderful week for new inspiration!- i can't say enough how good it has been in this slower season to find new places for me to feel refreshed for new ideas!
The first five thing i want to share is one for brides both in Las Vegas area AND Minnesota. finally. :) I'd love to know what you all think. the first is a list for the best bridal shops in Minneapolis. The second is a list for las vegas. i was a bride in the twin cities, and the first one mentioned (wedding Shoppe) is where i found my dress, jewelry and veil, great pricing, customer service and tons of variety!- i say heck yes to that. so now your opinions on these lists!
Where am i finding this new inspiration for photography?- here's one! An absolutely stunning group of individuals and the blog is Axioo click on the image to go right to their blog! What i'm finding i truly love about them, is it's not the same photos you're seeing on every other blog or even wedding blogs. It shows off their creativity, style, and passion for photography. LOVE finding blogs like this.
another sneak peek into the design of my new site (that brandon is going to be helping me start getting out of indesign and photoshop and into html coding this weekend!) is one of my favorites for the week. A very small part of the home page, you saw the colors last week, so here's how they're working together! Of course i had to add in where i'm from! :)
Brides, are you curious what an average wedding costs and what the money goes towards? here's a little image i found and wanted to share! I truly believe being in the wedding industry many of these prices are worth it, but when i was a bride there are some that you can cut!- my cake was MUCH less. My rehearsal (although was pretty much a disaster because it rained) probably cost 200. the musicians were talented so i paid them but they were friends too so having them there meant so much! the photographer was one thing i didn't want to skimp on.. yes i'm a photographer, that might be cheating. but for me personally it was one of the most important things. if you have any questions ever about pricing, i'm always here to help brides to be! what's a few of the most important aspects for you that you won't budge on? and things you don't mind taking the cheaper route? I will say, our wedding cost much less, but we did take the cheaper route on a lot of stuff and kept eyes open for good deals. But i wouldn't change a thing. (maybe more flowers. ;)
the last thing is going to seem crazy. it's cleaning. Brandon and i in the past two weeks have cleaned out almost our entire house. There is a possibility for a move this summer and we suddenly had the motivation for early spring cleaning. but hey, it's been 70 degrees lately so it's basically spring. I'm embarrassed to say that the bags below aren't even all of the stuff we have to give to good will. and also none of the garbage we threw away either. yikes. Not only has the actual cleaning been something great but spending time with brandon even this activity has been fun. it's something we're doing together and after it's done.. whew. feels so good! plus it gets us off the couch after we walk the dogs.
I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and felt motivated to get outside and enjoy!- Here in crazy 75 degree vegas i've been keeping the door open, and we grilled a couple times. it's been truly wonderful. Now off to find more motivation. Don't forget to tell me YOUR thoughts on prices for weddings.. i have so many opinions! :)

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