Five things

life here in new mexico is finally slowing down... well.. for a couple weeks. i've been making lists of things to add to my new obsessions. if you follow me on Instagram and Facebook.. you might see some of these so i'm trying to find the new ones!
One - otter box 2000 series. no.. not for your phone. i use this when i travel for my external hard drive.. BUT a great use when i'm at home adventures is while kayaking! it's water proof, so i can bring my phone, cards that kinda thing and it floats. although i don't take that risk, i put the band around my feet. but a great little case to add to your collection. love mine!
Two- Quest bars. okay, so these aren't new if you stalk me. but i crave these suckers. they're SO good. Gluten, soy, and dairy free. 20g of protein. short list of ingredients. 1g of sugar. and holy crap so delicious. when i want chocolate or something sweet, i grab one of my favorite kinds and don't feel guilty. here's a secret i heard from someone also addicted.. melt these in the microwave for about 10 seconds.. ahhhh drool. so a protein bar that i don't get sick of and honestly am in love with. yes, love. so go to your local GNC store or amazon and buy some. start with these two kinds first.. my faves!
Three-ITunes Radio. new awesomeness. i usually have to be convinced for.. well anything new. while roadtripping, brandon turned this on and it's so great. so basically let's say you LOVE a song and want to find new ones similar. ITunes radio plays those, and eventually learns ones you skip/like all that good stuff. and find you like? add it to your wish list to purchase later. i enjoy finding new fantastic music and this is a fun way! also, it's been successful.. so many songs on my wish list.
Four- i didn't use to do my nails. i blame my bestie Rachelle. cause now i do. anyway! i stick to mostly wearing pink or hot pink.. or light pink. i wanted a fall color that stuff was pink..ish. i love essie nail polish so when i found "The Lace is On" the other day, i bought it and immediately tried it out. so cute and in time for fall. you should too! i started it on my toes and secretly can't wait until my nails get chipped so i can put it on my fingers too!
Five- now that i've actually been working out consistently. (only about 6 months, but going strong and so happy!) i have been in search for inexpensive but favorite workout clothes. i have been seeing instagram fit chicks wear the craziest things, so i went for it. i'm buying weird colored pants. my favorites that i just ordered another one of is these Champion Power Core capris and pants that i can't help but try to wash as fast as possible to wear them again. so go check them out... at Target! yup that's right, my favorite are from this little store. i feel good and like the fit! and for a little under 20 bucks.. goodbye to expensive ones. ick.
i hope you all have a wonderful weekend! and let me know if you try out some of these products!

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