home from deployment!

i got an email from the lovely courtney that her husband was going to be coming home from deployment and she wanted a few photos when they first saw one another. I tried to be.. semi sneaky as he mentioned he wasn't crazy about photos! :)
Matt came off the plane and HE was the sneaky one, i almost missed the first hug but turned around just in time to snap away! we headed out to the parking lot and we got a few more! Absolutely beautiful couple and i almost started crying too.

it was such a special moment to be a part of and to see their first hugs again. Courtney and i had a bit of time to get to know one another before he landed and talk about how they met and all the details. i loved it! I'm so glad he was able to come home before Christmas!
Happy Monday all. Who has some fantastic valentine's day plans or presents in mind for their loved one?!
las vegas

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