five things.

If you know me, you know i'm not great at the makeup thing. For one, i'm too cheap to buy expensive stuff. i did get sucked into one commercial i saw about BB cream. i tried Maybelline, and really love it! aside from it not being heavy on your face, not clogging pores, and having a a uv-protection, it almost provides a natural "photoshopped" look. yes, that's how i explain it being a photographer. it brightens, and hides blemishes. i'm in love. if you have a brand you like or have tried it, i'd love to hear what you think!
next is for photographers. I've been meaning to finally purchase some Alien-bees B800 lights. especially with the indoor boudoir shoot coming up! (most of the lights are use are the flashes i have) i wanted to try them first, and it's wonderful having amazing photographer friends. Danette has two i got to borrow, and i put them to the test yesterday. they worked amazingly! so, those are on my purchase list. what's the best part? they even go off with my pocket wizards!
want a random girly app? i downloaded the O.P.I app a while ago and i have to admit, i love it. basically you make a hand that looks about the color of your own and you can see all the colors available (or most at least) and how it would like on you. yes, it's pointless. but i use it. i have a have a few favorites saved when i go out looking for something new and cute! although, i admit.. most of the favorites are pink my new fave is my Chihuahua bites! (although murphy doesn't bite.. usually.)
need another blog to stalk? i found one recently thanks to instagram. yes, i use social networking to find fun places for inspiration! Carlinn writes about all things beautiful; little details, fashion, decor, ideas for your home and more!- if nothing else, she has bright beautiful photos that cover her blog and show you all her ideas! click on the image below to bring you right to her site!
the last favorite thing is a two-in one! i stumbled upon this wesbite called it's not only good for grooms who aren't helping much and need a few quick tips or gifts for groomsmen, it can be for the man who wants to help and is interested in all things wedding! I found this one article on the blog called "treat your bride, Bridal boudoir photography." i recently started shooting boudoir and already see what a wonderful gift it could be from the bride, especially cause you're working so hard looking beautiful for your big day.. you have to capture that! click on the photo below to go right to the article or the website above to see the whole site! so check it out!
I'd love to hear more about websites you all have as your "go-to" blogs! i'm always looking for more inspiration and products to love! i also wish i would've known about the man registry website for brandon. DANG! i hope you all have a great friday!

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