Five Things- fun, sun, love.

Wow i haven't written a personal post in a while, so if you like reading them, leave me some love so i know not to rid of these!
Last time i was in Minnesota i didn't get a lot of time to post, but i'm sitting here and decided i have a little time to share some fun things with you!
i haven't shared a video in a while, and this recently was sent to me to an amazing college friend of mine shelly. and i mean.. how can i NOT share this? embrace it, it's wonderful.
Last time i visited this wonderful state, i had some time to head to a few thrift shops, Unique Thrift being my favorite right now. I ended up picking up 3 new books, and some repeats to pass out. i finished them and really thought they were fantastic! i might have gone overboard today and bought five more. whoops. I found two more by the author i really enjoyed so i'm hoping for some more good finds! (umm and all for 9 dollars? yes please.) I really loved the writing style of Emily Giffin so i'm going to be buying more of her books! The first recommendation is called "Love the One You're With." i actually have a terrible habit of judging a book by it's cover first and then yes i do read what it's about. this was sitting on Rachelle's shelf and i had to pick it up. it was a perfect pool time read so i don't get too bored... in fact be careful. i got terribly burned after three hours of reading + tanning. It's actually a sad story line, but you get sucked into the characters! loved. if you've read it let me know what you think
Maybe before you relax by the pool, you should start up a sweat. i found a new pair of yoga shorts that I have to say, i'm obsessed with. if you want to feel cute while working out (be aware i do this is in comfort of my own home) so while lifting i can stare in the mirror and i don't look crazy... well.. to other people. comfortable and good fit, and i think i work out way longer if i feel good about myself! so check out the shortie from Victoria's Secret. however mine are pink and the script is different. And it's late, and today they're my pajamas and yes i'm wearing them as i write this post. try 'em on!
I don't know about you guys, but i go on kicks on what i like to snack on. Lately water just hasn't been enough for quenching my thirst so i found pink lemonade crystal light for pitchers. This saves me having to mix every time and also gets me tons of water, with little calories. YUM.
I thought i'd look through my "run" and "workout" playlist and give a few suggestions to add to yours!
1- Hello By Martin Solveig & Dragonette
2- We No Speak Americano- Yolanda Be Cool & DCup (this one i play to bug brandon too ha)
3- Call Me Maybe- Carly Rae (yes i love this song. don't judge me)
4- We found love- Rihanna
The last two might be cliche, but they pump me up. Also if you've been around me at all, you'll know i get stuck on songs over and again until i can't handle them. Which is usually weeks. It's been known to annoy people. BUT i workout better when i find songs like that.
What are some of your favorite songs right now to workout to?
Already enjoying my time here in Minnesota! get ready for more photoshoots this week!

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