Ashley and Robert- married!

These two love birds had a liking for mad-men style, and it showed throughout the entire day in details!
I had such a great time shooting this wedding, and Ralph of Pin Up Bride Photography got the gig! i was just along for the second shooting on this day. i've been showing you a few sneak peeks of this wedding but really Ashley was just absolutely gorgeous. she ended up wearing two dresses!- the second at the reception, cute little vegas dress.
While Ralph was with the girls as they got ready, i got to go shoot the guys! and it was so much fun! we had a lot of extra time and just wandered around the Wynn. it was actually my first time shooting there, and man it's beautiful!
Robert and Ashley didn't see each other before the wedding, which is always so special, unfortunately Ralph and i couldn't shoot during the ceremony, as it was in a chapel at the Wynn. But it's alright, we got some FANTASTIC photos all day, and they still had another photographer during that time too!
i should've stolen one of these cupcakes ;) i was busy with all the fun going on, especially in the photo booth!- i just didn't have time to go and grab one, but i've been drooling over them. It was a perfect day for a wedding, and everything turned out perfectly! LOVE!

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