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Entries in products (10)


Prints on wood!- new product now available! 

i had a close friend suggest these wonderful products to me, completely out of love, telling me they fit my style and i should offer them. i don't know why i didn't listen for a while. she was right! i ordered my first print on wood and LOVE it! so now, i'm offering this product to you! from 8x10- 30x40. if you have any questions just shoot me an email or comment below! here's a few close ups of the black and white i ordered. 



no you don't have to order black and white, and yes these are gorgeous! i love the wood texture you can see coming through the image. if you have any questions about which of your images might look best, i'd love to help out and suggest a few i've taken for you! 


Float Canvas

I've been talking up WHCC and their products and customer service for a while now, i finally got around to ordering a float canvas for the women's event AND for our home! one of Brandon's favorite images we plan to hang in the weight room. 

There are two options i have for ordering a canvas. One is the wrap canvas (basic canvas) and this one that you see is the float canvas. This one is a bit cheaper in price and i have to say, absolutely gorgeous! i added the pearl shimmer paper to this one so in the black and white there's a little pop to it. i think it turned out perfect! 


It still wraps around so all sides are covered, but has a block on the back to pop out away from the wall. Sturdy and a great piece of artwork for your home. This one is 20x24 but as soon as Brandon saw it, he said "i thought you'd get and even bigger one!" even goes to show you, it really can make a difference with a large art piece. This one fits perfect in the place i'm hanging it but next time i know i need to order one that's even larger :)  

I have LOVED ordering products for not only my office and clients, but around the house. It's so important to use those prints to show off your family and photographs. 

One of my favorite prints is actually a 10x20 of Brandon and i on the beach with the puppies running towards him (it's my personal fb page cover photo) something a little different that fits on the shelves above the cabinets. 

I'd love to know, what are some of your favorite art pieces in your home? Do you try to have larger prints to show off? 

here's a little challenge for you today. write or call a family or friend today to encourage them. not only will it brighten their day, it could spark that relationship even more and bless them and you more than you know! 




Gift Card and brochures

 Happy Thursday!- i can't believe it's already almost the weekend. we have some wonderful plans including photographing a gorgeous reception on Saturday in L.A area!

You might have heard of the Girls Night Out, women's expo that Vanessa and i are hosting. it's on April 10th, less than a week away and we're working hard on not only the expo but our own booths too! I designed and had printed these lovely little brochures and gift cards for the women wanting to buy a boudoir/beauty photo shoot for loved ones. 

i ordered them from my go to company WHCC and am so happy with how they turned out! Ladies in vegas, if you haven't RSVP'd to the event do it now! we're looking forward to meeting you all! 


of course i added the verse i always incorporate into boudoir/beauty sessions. 

i also used pearl paper for the gift cards to add just a bit of shine, and linen for the brochures. sigh of relief.. it feels good to get these products in, in time for the expo! 

It's been such a hectic but exciting couple of weeks planning this event and i can't wait to share how it ends up. i plan on taking lots of photos if it doesn't get too crazy! There will be the photo booth too, so bring some friends and have some fun! 

For this project, i've been stuck on a recent font, Janda Celebration that fits perfectly into my design. Are there any fonts you've fallen in love with recently? i'm always searching for new ones! 

Get out and enjoy the lovely weather this weekend! 


Whcc boudoir book-A

You saw this gorgeous girl on the blog, and now time to show off the fabulous book she ordered! We decided a 5x5 book would be best and it turned out perfectly! She picked some of her faves and then i worked out setting up a design i thought she'd like. so here's a few of the pages!



She decided to go for the lay flat pages, and decided what the binding should say. Popcorn- a little inside love joke between her and her husband. love it! 


Im always so excited when i go to the door and there is a new product to deliver! So if you're looking for a smaller book to give as a gift, just ask!- i'd love to work with you, they make such wonderful keepsakes and are such gorgeous products! Yes i'm ordering some for me too! :) 


I hope you all are having a great week, and wondering what you all think of books and albums and if you have had any made for your family! 


Be strong and of good courage, and do it; do not fear nor be dismayed, for the Lord God- My God- will be with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you, until you have finished all the work for the service of the house of the Lord. -1 chronicles 28:20


Family Christmas printed book

i had such a wonderful time with the Sanchez family! i'll soon be blogging all about their family Christmas photos at their home soon!- but here's a great sneak peek to see a few! 

Kimberly decided she wanted a book for her mom and dad and i think it turned out great! They love lots of black and white, and chose a few of their favorites. 

These book are different from the albums i showed you a couple weeks back, if you want to compare what they look like HERE is a link to the album. 


it was so much fun photographing them! we started by taking each couple or smaller family groups and ended with the big group! the first page are mom and dad. gorgeous couple. 

Kimberly and her husband Eddie (below on the right side of the spread) are the ones that set the Christmas photos up for their beautiful family. 

These books are so great for coffee tables, and ordering every year for a great keepsake of your family! absolutely loved creating this book and seeing how excited Kimberly was when she got it! 

When Kimberly received all of her photos and book, she sent the sweetest email and absolutely made me cry, in target.  It's those little touches like her encouragement that really inspire me for more! so thank all of you for welcoming me in your home and letting me spend a little time with your fun family!