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Entries in aliante (2)


Aliante Discovery Park - family photos

I couldn't have asked for better models!- Little Madison was a complete ham in front of the camera and loved posing, what a darling little girl! We started at Aliante Park early, and even though it was a crazy windy day, we got some wonderful moments between this family. 

The first image is Madison telling mom a secret (she told us it was about dad) Even without me having to tell her what to do when her mom and dad kissed, she did it perfectly. 



did i forget to mention they brought their amazing dogs! poor t-bone hated to be away from Madison and would howl every time she walked a few steps away. i think he's my favorite, he even got caught too many times and fell over. It was quite the adventure this beautiful windy morning! 


i gave instructions to Jason and he couldn't have done this pose better! gotta love showing off her cowgirl boots! 


the image below is ONE of my faves. 


the one of the bottom left is my absolute favorite of her. so cute! 


 Megan told me the last time Madison was in a photo with both of them in their uniform, she was two. I'm so glad we were able to get some great photos and memories including their furry kids too :) 

i love spending time with families and capturing all of these moments- i have such a wonderful job! Thank you Megan and Jason for letting me photograph your family. 


Audrina's first Christmas!- Aliante Discovery park 

Sweet baby girl Audrina!
i was so excited to see Audrina again! the last time i got to see this chubby cheek adorable girl was in June! If you don't remember.. here some photos from then, click HERE. And of course before she was born, i photographed Jordan and Kenna, and boy was Kenna a gorgeous woman with her bump! you can check those out again HERE
This time we all met at Aliante and dodged the sprinklers which is always an adventure. they turned out so cute! One of my favorites is this first one with those big eyes and cheeks showing! not to mention her minnie mouse first Christmas

Audrina wasn't nearly as entertained as we were. but.. it's still cute
she was giving me quite the facial expressions.. and then looked like she kissed her minnie mouse. she's just beautiful! especially with that santa hat ;)  
Audrina did so good even with us moving spots when sprinklers were moving all around, and she let us know near the end she was a sleepy girl, practically falling asleep in the box. 
i always love catching up with Kenna and jordan and seeing their beautiful daughter growing so big! though.. i didn't squeeze those cheeks enough. next time!