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Entries in five things (26)


Five things. 

It's been such another wonderful week for new inspiration!- i can't say enough how good it has been in this slower season to find new places for me to feel refreshed for new ideas! 

The first five thing i want to share is one for brides both in Las Vegas area AND Minnesota. finally. :) I'd love to know what you all think. the first is a list for the best bridal shops in Minneapolis.  The second is a list for las vegas. i was a bride in the twin cities, and the first one mentioned (wedding Shoppe) is where i found my dress, jewelry and veil, great pricing, customer service and tons of variety!- i say heck yes to that. so now your opinions on these lists! 


 Where am i finding this new inspiration for photography?- here's one! An absolutely stunning group of individuals and the blog is Axioo click on the image to go right to their blog! What i'm finding i truly love about them, is it's not the same photos you're seeing on every other blog or even wedding blogs. It shows off their creativity, style, and passion for photography. LOVE finding blogs like this. 

another sneak peek into the design of my new site (that brandon is going to be helping me start getting out of indesign and photoshop and into html coding this weekend!) is one of my favorites for the week. A very small part of the home page, you saw the colors last week, so here's how they're working together! Of course i had to add in where i'm from! :) 


 Brides, are you curious what an average wedding costs and what the money goes towards? here's a little image i found and wanted to share! I truly believe being in the wedding industry many of these prices are worth it, but when i was a bride there are some that you can cut!- my cake was MUCH less. My rehearsal (although was pretty much a disaster because it rained) probably cost 200. the musicians were talented so i paid them but they were friends too so having them there meant so much! the photographer was one thing i didn't want to skimp on.. yes i'm a photographer, that might be cheating. but for me personally it was one of the most important things. if you have any questions ever about pricing, i'm always here to help brides to be! what's a few of the most important aspects for you that you won't budge on? and things you don't mind taking the cheaper route? I will say, our wedding cost much less, but we did take the cheaper route on a lot of stuff and kept eyes open for good deals. But i wouldn't change a thing. (maybe more flowers. ;) 

the last thing is going to seem crazy. it's cleaning. Brandon and i in the past two weeks have cleaned out almost our entire house. There is a possibility for a move this summer and we suddenly had the motivation for early spring cleaning. but hey, it's been 70 degrees lately so it's basically spring. I'm embarrassed to say that the bags below aren't even all of the stuff we have to give to good will. and also none of the garbage we threw away either. yikes. Not only has the actual cleaning been something great but spending time with brandon even this activity has been fun. it's something we're doing together and after it's done.. whew. feels so good! plus it gets us off the couch after we walk the dogs. 

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and felt motivated to get outside and enjoy!- Here in crazy 75 degree vegas i've been keeping the door open, and we grilled a couple times. it's been truly wonderful. Now off to find more motivation. Don't forget to tell me YOUR thoughts on prices for weddings.. i have so many opinions! :) 


five things. 

Hope you're all having a fabulous week! brandon is finally home from training so we've been spending lots of time together and we even had a mini day trip to Brian head, Utah with friends of ours tubing and snowmobiling! The boys are making a nice little video i'll eventually post, and i'll share a few photos too! First though, i mentioned in my boudoir experience that i found a fabulous article talking about boudoir so click on the photo below to go and read what she has to say! 
I also came across some protein bars for women. I'm one of those people that get stuck on something.. buy way too many and then hate them after a while, especially protein bars. But i found some that for now, i absolutely love! Luna S'mores is my favorite.. for now!
i haven't shared any songs with you lately! i don't even remembered how i stumbled upon these guys, but anyone that shares uplifting music that makes me WANT to workout and run.. can't be bad. so here's Reverie by Scott and brendo. Yes i realize the video is an actual video. sorry. 
i came across an hilarious blog the other day that i am completely sucked into.. and it's for those of you with kiddos! The Scary Mommy. She explains it's a blog with sarcasm, sense of humor, and panties that don't get into a wad easily. i loved it. it actually gives a lot of info, a place for women to speak their mind and everything marriage, pregnancy, and kids! click on the photo below to check out her blog. 
yeah!- so we had a wonderful mini vacation last week. We went up to Utah and met up with two good friends of ours and their kiddos. We started by going tubing for a while but it got pretty boring quickly. the only way we kept up the fun was when i was told by someone working there that people sometimes go down in bikinis and speedos. i don't know why i informed my husband about this.. as soon as i told him the next run was him in his boxers. my fault. i thought it was pretty funny actually! even though we weren't looking to dish out a bunch of money Tonya made the decision we should go snowmobiling.. i'm so glad she did! it was amazing and the first time her and Brandon have EVER gone! i won't mention who crashed twice and no longer was able to have the kids on his snowmobile.... no it wasn't brandon. It was so beautiful to see all the mountains! so the fifth thing i like.. spending some extra time with friends and maybe spending a little bit more for a fabulous adventure
It's going to be a busy, but great week here with more boudoir shoots set up! Comment below on what you think of the articles and blogs i shared! 

five things. 


If you know me, you know i'm not great at the makeup thing. For one, i'm too cheap to buy expensive stuff. i did get sucked into one commercial i saw about BB cream. i tried Maybelline, and really love it! aside from it not being heavy on your face, not clogging pores, and having a a uv-protection, it almost provides a natural "photoshopped" look. yes, that's how i explain it being a photographer. it brightens, and hides blemishes. i'm in love. if you have a brand you like or have tried it, i'd love to hear what you think!

next is for photographers. I've been meaning to finally purchase some Alien-bees B800 lights. especially with the indoor boudoir shoot coming up! (most of the lights are use are the flashes i have) i wanted to try them first, and it's wonderful having amazing photographer friends. Danette has two i got to borrow, and i put them to the test yesterday. they worked amazingly! so, those are on my purchase list. what's the best part? they even go off with my pocket wizards


want a random girly app? i downloaded the O.P.I  app a while ago and i have to admit, i love it. basically you make a hand that looks about the color of your own and you can see all the colors available (or most at least) and how it would like on you. yes, it's pointless. but i use it. i have a have a few favorites saved when i go out looking for something new and cute! although, i admit.. most of the favorites are pink my new fave is my Chihuahua bites! (although murphy doesn't bite.. usually.) 



 need another blog to stalk? i found one recently thanks to instagram. yes, i use social networking to find fun places for inspiration! Carlinn writes about all things beautiful; little details, fashion, decor, ideas for your home and more!- if nothing else, she has bright beautiful photos that cover her blog and show you all her ideas! click on the image below to bring you right to her site! 

the last favorite thing is a two-in one! i stumbled upon this wesbite called it's not only good for grooms who aren't helping much and need a few quick tips or gifts for groomsmen, it can be for the man who wants to help and is interested in all things wedding! I found this one article on the blog called "treat your bride, Bridal boudoir photography." i recently started shooting boudoir and already see what a wonderful gift it could be from the bride, especially cause you're working so hard looking beautiful for your big day.. you have to capture that! click on the photo below to go right to the article or the website above to see the whole site! so check it out! 


I'd love to hear more about websites you all have as your "go-to" blogs! i'm always looking for more inspiration and products to love! i also wish i would've known about the man registry website for brandon. DANG! i hope you all have a great friday!


five things. 

i admit it.
i've been extra motivated lately! Last week i happened upon a blog that i now can say.. i've become obsessed with! Alex Beadon. gorgeous, upbeat girl who used to photograph weddings, now she focuses on helping other photographers, not to mention a weekly video on all things business. and super great site. check it out. stalk. become obsessed. she has some useful tips and beautiful work- click on the photo below to go right to her site! 
i know i've bragged about Florabella collection before.. where i purchase Photoshop actions! but thought i'd share again in case you missed it! yes this is even for all you non-photographers too! always good to know what  products we're using. anyway, what i love about these collections.. (still saving up for some!) is how flexible they can be with mixing and matching. aside from actions, i of course have my own way of editing every photo too and mostly those steps are ones learned from other fabulous photographers! 
so it's important for your photographer to create some beautiful photographs using their great eye, equipment, lightroom and Photoshop skills. so why do so many offer photos and push to sell through their pro-printing companies? here's a great example to see! i know sometimes last minute, you just want the photo in hand. but more and more businesses are making it easier for the photographs to land right on your doorstep, packaged and at its' best color! i admit while in college, i still used wal-mart. but after searching for a wonderful lab, prices really aren't much more! something to always think about and completely accurate! i did an experiment printing the same image and so many times colors were way off. ick! so really.. we want the work at its best! especially if displaying in the home :) 
since i'm sharing some products i use, thought i'd share where some inspiration is from! so many of us have blogs we follow, or sites we look at to check on updates. as a wedding photographer, most of the blogs i follow are dealing with weddings! shocking. :) but one of the first blogs i fell in love with was cupcakes and cashmere. a fashion and recipe blog that just is all girl! It's something that gives me a different perspective and great ideas! A lot of the wedding blogs are becoming more similar only seeing rustic weddings so this blog is refreshing with new content along with some vintage feel! 
and my fifth thing.. getting coffee, catching up, and snapping a few photos.. what else?! I worked with Mike at the chapel and his little stud is Kane. although.. he wasn't sure about me, the entire time. my nickname- shannamonster. thanks mike. so this last is encouragement for you shooters! go hang out, get off the computer and create something meaningful and beautiful. 
another PLUG- there are still a few available spots for the las vegas boudoir event! seriously perfect for valentines day! click HERE for details. 
i can't believe Christmas is almost here! i'm so excited! My sister is coming to visit. thought i'd share that! i hope you're having a great day, and don't be afraid to comment below and share some of your favorites blogs, websites or places you go for inspiration! happy Wednesday!  

five things. 

All things wedding trends for 2013!
 i've been doing some research for top wedding trends for 2013! i know so many fabulous couples getting married this next year one, including my best friend! 
this first find i actually purchased for Rachelle before my research. i wanted to give her a few gifts that would've meant a lot to me when i got married, things people put off and don't always find the "perfect" detail in. these garters are gorgeous, and you can find any color combination you'd like. i think they're so fabulous and secretly wanted to still buy some for me! click HERE to go right to etsy to check them out! 
which also leads to the first trend for next year.. MINT! Green is the It color for this next wedding season!
another element popping up for decor are birds and bird cages, many which are containing flowers as centerpieces. wildflowers are still going to be popular this year too!
with many brides opting for a beautiful outdoor ceremony, back drops are going to be something to consider! so cute, with lights, poms, or streamers like this photo below.  
Brides want to pop a little color into their gown too! i've posted before about fabulous bright colored shoes, but now a little colored crinoline underneath the dress is a good way to tie into your wedding colors and your bridesmaid dresses too!
the last thing to remember is.. do it the way you want! This is one of the loudest and quickly growing trend. Contemporary couples are setting their weddings without some of the traditions like white shoes, inside churches, lot of attendants etc. so have fun, and let the wedding show off who you and your fiance are as a couple! 
i wanted to share a few wedding trends that you'll be seeing! is there anything you're doing for your wedding to incorporate this year's trends? i have to admit, i love the color underneath the wedding gown always a little extra for your photographer! 
i'll be sharing more wedding trends soon, and what to workout for your big day! if there's any trend you're wondering about, i'd love to hear from you and do some research!