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Exciting news! 

What better way to start off a blog, then with new and exciting news!? Last week Danette Chappell invited me to come shoot some chefs and food down on the strip. (Through the amazing Juanita, who we both used to work with.) anyway, i went, shot a little but mostly tagged along to learn all things new! i had never shot food before. 

duh duh duh duhhh.. now the news, she's going to be using a few photos in her magazine which means, my picture ALSO gets to be in that magazine. even though it's not my photography strongpoint, it's the first time anything will be published. soooo exciting! i soon noticed i had absolutely no photos suitable enough for a magazine. so once again danette to the rescue of new photos. so here's a few she took! 

OH can you guess what lens she used? because it is fabulous. 







Welcome to Davista Photography Blog! Here starts my journey of all things art! Through my blog, i hope to inspire you, encourage and for me to learn too. 

Davista Photography was a dream of mine for a while, it's only become more real with the help of friends, family, and most importantly my husband Brandon. we've only been married a short while, but he's been the one encouraging me and even coming up with new ideas too! it's been amazing so far, moving far from MN, into a place unknown only to find some amazing photographers that i look up to. (especially my friend danette chappell.) so take a look around, and let me know what you think! and while you're peeking, hopefully you are encouraged too

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